Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I had this dog name bayne since I was 2. One day we took him to the vet because he had big lumps on his neck. Once we got there the vet took him in the back room. The vet came out of the room and said "Lori will you come in the back room" and so she did. The vet said "There is some bad news". She said "What", and he said "Your dog has cancer he said he might not make it till Christmas".

The Good news was that he did. 2 or 3 days after that he started getting sick so we took him back to the vet. My mom said "we will have to put him down". The next day me and my sister went to school and when we came home he was not there and all there was a box with a flower.

p.s. sorry that was a little sad.