Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What I did over spring break

Over spring break I did nothing the weekend we got out of spring break. Then that week I did nothing. That Friday Meagan came over and we went to the mall and got some good drinks. Then the next day we went to Wyoming and we had our four wheeler. Also we drove a car and it was Meagan's fir5st time. There are these things called jumping cactus and Meagan got like 50 it was funny. The next day we went to the movies with Bryson, EJ, Meagan, me and this kid named Dylan. That is what i did over spring break.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Best advice I've ever got

The best advice i have got is do not do the topic. I like this advice because it is good. Today is a halfd day so I do not want to do anything. That is my best advice.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The smells of Bath and Body Works lotion.

I will be comparing the two lotions I love: Wild Honeysuckle and Butterfly Flower.

Wild Honeysuckle Pros: It smells good in it one way.

Wild Honeysuckle con's: It is to strong.

Butterfly flower Pros: It is smells really good.

Butterfly Flower con's: It is to strong.

Thay both smell good but they have a bad side.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What is my favorite sport

My favorite sport is football because I grew up with it. Also because my family always got in to it. When the Broncos played we all got together and had a party we all had a blast. Once everyone left we watched it again because we recorded is. That is my favorite sport and why.